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These beautiful fish live around: Indonesia, The Philippines and Celebes, in the Pacific Ocean.

The complex habitat help the wrasse avoid predation. Unlike some species, these fish do not bury themselves to sleep or hide. Instead, they have quite a nifty trick. In order to sleep safely, Multicolour Labbock’s Fairy Wrasse find a nook they like. They then cover themselves in a protective mucus coat. Supposedly, this hides the wrasses scent from predators. These sticky invisibility cloaks do not degrade your water quality like some coral wax jackets’ might.

In Nature, Multicolour Labbock’s Fairy Wrasse live in groups with one male to a few or more females. Dominant males trigger spawning by preforming their courtship display. He will dash around, showing off his colours to the harem. These fish are protogynous hermaphrodites. Which means that, when they get old enough, breeding females turn into a male. As a result, all juveniles are immature females.

Multicolour Dwarf Parrot ME

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